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Friday 28 November 2008


Could you imagine yourself, sitting at the very last roll in a cinema, taking almost (yea, almost) the best seat overall in the cinema, watching a movie...and the movie named 'Twilight'.

It is definitely by chance that Ruby and I felt that we will have nothing to do, after getting my bf to be service at Ipoh DMM service centre. So, we planned to watch a movie at TGV, Kinta City. Well, we knew from newspaper that Twilight is on at Thursday 27 Nov. So, we are lucky. We watched it on Friday!

What that disgusts me was...not the movie...of course the movie is cool...(I didn't say that it's great)...reactions from the girls in the cinema that disgusted me the most! Why? First of all, I would like this movie to be made a bit violence and more romance scence that made it to be categorise as 18 PL or 18 SG. At least, must be above 18 years old. Why say that? Girls that were in the cinema were all barely 18 and their actions were extremly childish and sucks! OK...I am not saying that every girls who is barely 18 is like that, but I can see those in the cinema with me at that time were acting so! There is this scene, whereby they initially show the hero of the story, named 'Edward acted by Robbert Pattinson...and guess what? All the girls, ok..mostly all the girls, omit Ruby and I, were screaming in a sound of adoring for the character. WTF! Have they seen guys before? My friend and I guessed that they were all from all girls schooling environment, and that's our guessing. How come every scene that showed the hero, made them screamed out the sound, and one particular girl, whom seated right in front of me...even showed a very extreme adoring reaction! She keep in punching, pushing, shaking and even scream at her friend whom seated beside her! She was just too annoying for me! I could not even enjoy the whole movie due to all these side reactions by almost all girls in the cinema. I mentioned that mostly those in the cinema were girls as well. And I guess, due to the movie is from a well-known story book named "Twilight", schooling girls were so anticipated to watch it at movie.

Sad to say, come they all can behave like this! Shame on them as they acted that they have never been seeing 'leng chai' or handsome guy in the world! They reactions showed that, they have less discipline in controlling their emotion and reaction in public. I guess, what would they react, if the guy that they adore in the movie appear naked in front of them...(I guess all of them either sreamed in wild, passed out, or became so insane that they cried because they saw their hero naked in front of them!) Hahaha,..okok...that's what IF...that's just all assumption...from me! :p

Anyhow, I guess girls should behave nicely when it comes to the adoration part. It's not that you can't's just do it moderately and make it acceptable. I can accept the fact that these kids were still not mature yet...that's why when they see guys that are so-called handsome...they awwww....and adoration for the guy...but...not as extreme as the girl who sit in front of me...I pity the friend whom accompany her for movie. Everytime a 'leng chai' came out, she started to lost her control...that's a disorder...I guess the girl need to see some behaviourist! Hahaha...

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