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Friday 28 November 2008


Could you imagine yourself, sitting at the very last roll in a cinema, taking almost (yea, almost) the best seat overall in the cinema, watching a movie...and the movie named 'Twilight'.

It is definitely by chance that Ruby and I felt that we will have nothing to do, after getting my bf to be service at Ipoh DMM service centre. So, we planned to watch a movie at TGV, Kinta City. Well, we knew from newspaper that Twilight is on at Thursday 27 Nov. So, we are lucky. We watched it on Friday!

What that disgusts me was...not the movie...of course the movie is cool...(I didn't say that it's great)...reactions from the girls in the cinema that disgusted me the most! Why? First of all, I would like this movie to be made a bit violence and more romance scence that made it to be categorise as 18 PL or 18 SG. At least, must be above 18 years old. Why say that? Girls that were in the cinema were all barely 18 and their actions were extremly childish and sucks! OK...I am not saying that every girls who is barely 18 is like that, but I can see those in the cinema with me at that time were acting so! There is this scene, whereby they initially show the hero of the story, named 'Edward acted by Robbert Pattinson...and guess what? All the girls, ok..mostly all the girls, omit Ruby and I, were screaming in a sound of adoring for the character. WTF! Have they seen guys before? My friend and I guessed that they were all from all girls schooling environment, and that's our guessing. How come every scene that showed the hero, made them screamed out the sound, and one particular girl, whom seated right in front of me...even showed a very extreme adoring reaction! She keep in punching, pushing, shaking and even scream at her friend whom seated beside her! She was just too annoying for me! I could not even enjoy the whole movie due to all these side reactions by almost all girls in the cinema. I mentioned that mostly those in the cinema were girls as well. And I guess, due to the movie is from a well-known story book named "Twilight", schooling girls were so anticipated to watch it at movie.

Sad to say, come they all can behave like this! Shame on them as they acted that they have never been seeing 'leng chai' or handsome guy in the world! They reactions showed that, they have less discipline in controlling their emotion and reaction in public. I guess, what would they react, if the guy that they adore in the movie appear naked in front of them...(I guess all of them either sreamed in wild, passed out, or became so insane that they cried because they saw their hero naked in front of them!) Hahaha,..okok...that's what IF...that's just all assumption...from me! :p

Anyhow, I guess girls should behave nicely when it comes to the adoration part. It's not that you can't's just do it moderately and make it acceptable. I can accept the fact that these kids were still not mature yet...that's why when they see guys that are so-called handsome...they awwww....and adoration for the guy...but...not as extreme as the girl who sit in front of me...I pity the friend whom accompany her for movie. Everytime a 'leng chai' came out, she started to lost her control...that's a disorder...I guess the girl need to see some behaviourist! Hahaha...

Sunday 23 November 2008

I am not a desperado

It's been amasing surprise that I got numerous response for just a small post out updates at facebook. My friends asked me what had happened not only via facebook, but also via smses. Wow... This sort of updates really gets a lot of attention especially from girls. Should I say, girls pay more attention to what people's posted shout out? tell out frankly in this blog...The is a reason behind the post out. I am not really rejecting someone...I just want someone to know that this is not gonna worked out. I am a person whereby I had set up my target and upon reaching it, I don't really cares of what is happening at my surrounding. You can say that I am sort of...'Loner'...I walk my own way. You can say that I am used to it...I like my living now...You can say I am cruel...I don't want people to get deeper and hard to return. more reason, 'I am not a desperado'. :p I won't rush love and I won't purposely find love. My love is all around...not meaning that love can be only found from bf-gf relationship...Love can be formed in any it your family, your friends, your pets and even your surrounding and...of course to your God!

Have you find your love? Are you desperado, or loner? Not to worry...Love will find a way...and I am sure everyone will do. God bless...:D



Thank you to those who feed back that my poetry is great. I will try to produce more...provided I got inspiration... :p kekeke...

Here's da link to my poetry.

Saturday 22 November 2008


Well well...after jammed and stucked along the short distance from PJ Hilton to Midvalley, we (wen, woonching, lovelybear and me) finally reached midvalley made our ways to the Garden MV. Hmm...the  short distance costed us exactly an hour...after a cursed from our lovelybear stating that we could be jammed for 1 hour. And wtf...we indeed jammed for 1 hour! Sigh....

While waiting and stucked in the jam...I am so damn sleepy while Wen was on phone conversation and WC was asleep (I am surprise because, it's Wen that mentioned she wanted to sleep, and eventually WC is da one who's sleeping!) Okok...after I noticed that everyone has their own business while lovelybear is driving, I felt that I want to sleep too. I said to lovelybear that I felt sleepy as well and...all of a suddenly...I saw a car which happened to overtake us, has a very cute soft toy displayed. And...what's that very cute soft toy? Of course non other that a cute pig! Haha...but...yes... 'Demo....' someone shouted my name while pointing the pig soft toy! I am from a sleepy mode becoming an alert  mode. I am too shocked that I am a PIG?! Erm...okok...indirectly I am indeed a pig...I am borned in the year of pig and that's all! :p Due to this sudden incident, WC happenly to woke up and  aware of the pointing too...and some more..Wen's friend over the phone also felt the happening incident. I am so speechless...and like wtf... was good as in..after that, all of us were so awaken and we finally reached our destiny after some laughter and  non-sense! (Did I just mentioned non-sense?! Ahaha :D)

Why are we heading to MV? We had a small gathering while it was also to celebrate Iris's birthday in the coming 25th Nov.  Had da celebration at Fong Lye Tea house and we had ourselves very full for the dinner. It's indeed amusing during the dinner time too. Well....gotta check those photos at my FB ac.  I am too lazy to upload it here.:p

Happy birthday Iris...and  best wishe

Wednesday 19 November 2008

Creature named Dog

Woah... I am respecting this person who wrote "Please remember that dogs are Allah’s creatures too", by NORMA MOHD DOM in the letter to editor for 'thestar' newspaper.

Yeah...Dogs are creature created by God for the mankind too. So...why give such a bad treatment to stray dogs? I never did see bad treatment from those 'catcher' towards cat though. Why is that there is double standard for treating animal too? I personally seen 'stray catcher' chasing a dog in front of my house. My dog was barking endlessly and I immediately shut the front door (even though the front gate was locked!) to prevent the catcher to catch wrongly. They are standing in front of my house looking at my dog as my dog is a stray too. dog has the dog license on its collar, ok...they are definitely humiliating me and my dog for looking at us with a sharp looking. I saw one of them use a rope to catch one of the stray dog, and the other one used something sharp to pinch the dog out from a car. I even pray hard that the dog can escape from the torture...i can see blood dripping from the dog body and i shouted inside my house, ask the guy to see, there was blood, and stop pinching. They ask me 'DIAM LAH'. I am so like wtf!!! Anyway...Eventually they caught the stray...and one of them ran off. After those 'pig' went off...I take a look underneath  the car and spotted the blood-stained  tar road.  With that amount of blood lost, the dog  was seriously injured and no wonder it can be caught easily after that. I think the dog didn't have anymore energy to fight for it. They are suppose to scare the dog out...not to injure them. And  they are just innocent creature that left out by irresponsible owner too.

Anyway...I happen to saw some stray cats opposite the roadside when those 'pigs' were catching the dog, and why they didn't even bother about those cats? Aren't their duty is to catch stray animal, regardless to what stray animal they are? Why only focus on dog and not cat? Cat also can cause diseases such as toxoplasmosis...And...didn't they realise that?

Furthermore...not all dogs has rabies and not all dogs are fierce. They need something to provoke them to become angry and fierce. They inner sense is to defense themselves and their owner. They will do whatever to protect the owner. I usually see young children especially those who claimed that they can't own dogs provoking dogs and teasing them. They imitate how the dogs barks, laugh at them, shout at them, scared them and some are even worse...they throw stones towards dogs...not just to stray, but also to dogs inside resident compound! They are just making themselves vulnerable to attacks. Dogs won't be aggressive, if the children just pass by like normal without those actions as mentioned above done to the dogs. The dogs will just simply ignore them..and let them pass by without any symptom of aggressive. Because these children are provoking them, the mechanism in the dogs will respond impulsively and thus, making them to become aggressive to defense as well as attack, if necessary.

I won't felt pity for those children when they are attacked by dogs when the dogs are actually 'usually' in the resident /owner compound. Dog can act superbly when they are provoked and even fences are just too low for them, if they are intended to attack to defense themselves. So, to those who has children and you are not a dog lover, please DO NOT provoke the dogs in any way. Even I myself was bitten by dogs numerously. Not because I am scared of dogs, and try to show my aggressiveness towards dogs...some dogs are just prone to bite! I can't count how many times...but yes..even dog lovers will be bitten by dogs, even by their own dog! However, dogs are still adorable and indeed a royal and man's best friend. They are the most suitable to be given this title.

Luckily, my own Lucky chai is behaving well...and until now still behaving well...Haha..Thank God that I have such a wonderful dog. Lucky chai is my life!!! Amen.

Discount 10%....irrelevant to me!

I actually had a shock when I heard the news on air yesterday in the 'Buletin Utama, TV3'. What's the news? It's regarding to the 10% discount for the private car from next year January to December 2010. But...wait's it good to have discount, why am I shocked? the following news, that I got it from 'The Star' newspaper.

The timing of the discount is from 12 midnight to 7am. Wtf?! 12 midnight to 7am? I am so speechless when I heard the news. Of course, the news discount had dragged my attention to the TV for the news...but discount from midnight to 7am...this is something irrelevant at all. (At least to my point of view, ok?)

Reasons that I think it's irrelevant, even though a discount is better than none...

1st: Traveling against of sleeping time...meanings more accident to be expected. am not saying reckless drivers...I am saying it's becoming more dangerous in this kind of hours. Imagine, you actually an early person. you sleep early, you wake up early. Now, you plan to save the 10% from your pocket, you wanted to travel in the midnight, or reach in the midnight time. There is something wrong...and are right...that's suppose to be the time that we are sleeping. Our body has one setting that it will eventually drive us to rest when it's the time to! So, imagine...while we are driving to some destinations...and then during the hours that we are suppose to be in dreamland...we might be fallen into sleep while driving. Of course, it's so easily said that, you can take a nap at the road side or those rest pit stop to sleep and then continue the journey when you had rest enough. It's always not that easy! So, this will actually promote more accidents...and more to come, if everybody plan to save for the sake of the discounted amount...and we planted traffic jam in this kind of hours. Now, we are not only facing traffic congestion during peak hours, we will also face traffic jam in midnight!

2nd: Driving at midnight is definitely not safe, especially in Malaysia! Imagine those criminal planning to make robbery, kidnap, and etc. In this kind of hours, people tend to loosen their security...(you know whom do I mentioned, right? people...there are these peoples) And criminal always wanted to do something in a time whereby everyone is not aware. Imagine if you experience car breakdown or accident at midnight! Helps needed to be transferred in no time...but hey..hey...are we that efficient? Can we get standby 24 hours every now and then? Of course, some companies claim that they have 24 hours standby services for car breakdown and tow..but won't they need time to reach out to you? Imagine you need to the dark surrounding...whereby, this is a time everyone should have been sleeping, or at least at home? Think of those villain...they are always there to take opportunity. We have always received emails and even smses trying to warn us about dirty tricks that people will do to rob, kidnap, rape, or etc..(whatever you can think of) saying that it's dangerous when we are on the road. And's midnight? It doubled the chances for crimes to success!

3: is better than no discount...BUT...why only 10%, why only midnight? why only PLUS? why only will start next year January?why it's not immediate effect, as what they can do when they raised the petrol pricing at June? If I do not mistaken, I indeed read before...that the toll for North-South highway will be taken off as long as payment for the loan is done! To my surprise, our toll keep on rising and rising and keep on RISING! So do our inflation! So do our expenses! But...none to our salary or our benefits! (That's sucks!) I don't think that until recent time, there is still lost and not profit in North-South Highway. Are the government kidding us? Are PLUS kidding us?

Nevertheless....the government should look into other point, and not to just focus on discount. Try to think of eliminating the toll...since it was once said...but not been done! And...suppose, they have to focus on daily use and daily products. of course, transportation is one of them...but there are other goods to be paid attention to especially to food! One more thing that the government should really get their feet into it...our public transportation! It's still sucks and it's sucks. No matter how the government said, which and what they had's not that it's not's actually...only words and no action! Hey...c'mmon...action speaks louder than voice. Do it... not just says it!

I am still waiting to see, where is the rail train that can travel 300+kph from rawang to ipoh. Since I am at secondary school...I have been hearing about the project...and until's still action. Minister of Transportation mentioned that they are getting the train...but having difficulties... WTF...isn't that this is some mega project that had been planned quite some years ago? Isn't this something that allocation of money or budget had been calculated and done, before announcement? Why until recent times...there are still difficulties? Are you all curious? Erm...for me...I guess I am not...we supposed to know what had happen in the middle... Are you thinking the same thing as mine?

Okok...after such long words...I still think the government takes up stupid steps to cope with the inflation that had been worrying every countries in the world. They should have do something better. I salute Japanese and Japanese government. They take very good care for the citizens as they know, if a country have no citizens, there will be no government. So, the government takes up the responsibilities very well..and of course, there are weaknesses that we might not aware...however, they still looking after their citizens well...especially when it comes to economy...see how their agriculture economy helps to boast their income both internally and externally...

Friday 14 November 2008

My 2 cents

Today a conversation between me n a friend turned out to generate this blog for me.

I happen to advice my friends to become more aware that actually there are choices that we need to make in life and it turns out that one simple mistake in making decision will cause a disaster.  My friend msn me saying that she is indeed going to get married, maybe. I am definitely shocked. Okok...I am shocked not because she tell me she want to get married, it's a norm for a girl to get married especially she is dating a boyfriend. I am shocked, becaused she doesn't really knows whom that she want. She is just playing with fire. I am extra worry for her. Of course, that's her life and I am nothing to judge and tell...but it's just my two cents for her. The final verdict is still depends to her. Why I am so uh-huh for the news she is getting married?

1: Her bf is definitely an superb egoitic man according to her. But my friend still dating her...don't ask me, love is blind and I guess it's true :p

Why? This is because how can a guy use the ex(s) as comparisons to the current one. Ok...fair enough, if comparison can make relationship between them is better (I don't know!) then let them go ahead, right? But...wait...there is this thing...what if your bf said something i.e "If I got a daughter, I want to name her lets says 'Beauty'-(name had been changed for privacy and reading purposes)". Erm...I supposed people will questioned why name as Beauty? Any particular excuse? Any speciality? Any reason? And...guess what...?! The reason simplified. "It's because my first love in my life was named Beauty!" I was like wtf...Name the daughter as Beauty because of rememberance of first love?! Can you see the relevancy of the naming? My opinion...ok, my that the bf still very much remembered the first love and cannot let her go...that's why name the daughter as the first love's let him remember the first love now and forever.

2: Always compare the ex(s) gf and now.

Ok...Comparison is good..because it makes competition and makes one upgrade herself to be competance...but...this is relationship..and it involved is much relevance? (Since the bf already broke ups  with the ex(s).

Maybe we will though of comparison of our goodness for the ex(s)  badness is not that ugly looking...but wait...what if...what if you are not really destinied to be with this bf, you broke up with him someday..and eventually he will compare you as one of his ex(s) to the current. Talking bad about previous gf made him looks so cheap. It's not that this will makes the current gf fact...this is something unethical. Since the broke up had been agreed, why bother to make the comment about it in front of the current gf.

Ermm...lets say...if it happened to be opposite...The bf always talks about how good you are for on so to his ex(s)...yet, still there are's just at a different angle and it still involved the current and the ex(s). If the ex(s) gf  are so and so in weaknesses...why didn't he accept it slowly and try to love the ex(s) for love's sake, even though there are weaknesses? There is non in the world is perfect! And if the ex(s) had such weaknesses that the bf could not take it, we, might as well have weaknesses that he could not take it as well...and if by these weaknesses aren't acceptable for the bf, is the bf going to break up and find another? Give and take....., right?


There are a lot more...that can be discussed over here...but i just posted up 2 points, as for sharing. For those who did not agreed on what I had point out, that's wholly my point of view. Each individuals has their different taste and thinking. But, that's my 2 cents.

Eventually, my friend mentioned one phrase that makes me less worried about her life..."I still can choose!"

She still clear about what she really wanted. Obviously, she have not yet found the right one yet! Hehehe...not because I am evil...I wish my friend will have the happiness in their life too...I just hope they'll do...that's why I ask her to think deeply...thinkthoroughly, think as much as they can...take as much time as she make a decision, whether she wants to marry this bf or not.

"Marriage is fragile in the life of modern people...even though some people still hold ons to their vows...but eventually divorce is becoming the trend of the recent get marry and to get divorce is just a borderline and easily be crossover...there is less or no more boundaries in the marriage life..." `Cheerioet`

Wednesday 12 November 2008

Ok...lets make a deal...sooner or later

I finally get the signature from my boss...but sadly the science officer is not in. So, I will only submit on next Wednesday. My discussion with downstair lecturer...Sigh...cause me chaos...Agreed to take me as RA, but haven confirm it with black and white. I am now looking forward for the discussion with Stc on next Monday regarding to the project and as well as hiring me as part time ra or demo. She indeed as me for demo next semester..lets wait for next week to confirm. i am now such a desperado... =="

Well...i will have to make a deal sooner or later...if I have no scholarship, it's definitely a what friends had told me before"...must get a scholarship to study..." so...i guess if not, i am going to look for a job while looking again for postgrad. lets it goes....


God Bless Me....

Tuesday 11 November 2008


OMG...I am so devastated by today's news. I received a very bad news. What the heck on earth is going on. Previously I heard that there will be a 30k fees exempted. I also heard some people throwing advice not to lay out so a lot of hope as this so and so school always not into their words. Promises just remain empty promises. Never been succeed. And now, how true it was! The fact is that hope have been planted and now slowly it faded. I am both disappointed and frustrated and at the same time fear. I have fear thinking for the few weeks and the coming month. What am I suppose to do? I am now so lost and out of point. I need something to lead me to focus. What am I suppose to do?

I need to restart once again. Now with a harder and stronger stroke. I have not much time left. My contract will be ending end of this year. I will lost a job and become unemployed soon...too soon. I need something to back up all my expenses as well as to support my family. Sigh. I am going to have a great trouble that created by myself and I am now needing to mend it before any nightmare begin. Argh.....This is so depressing.

Pray for me, my dear friends, that I can get up on my feet walk along the way. Pray for me, my dear friends, that I can be the best I used to be. Pray for me, my dear friends, that I will survive this disaster and pray for me, my dear friends, that I am strong enough to carry and endure this pain.

**Sorry, I am indeed too not in the straight mind at this current moment. I need time to calm down and calm down.**

Thursday 6 November 2008


Does it really matter if you look cool, cute, naive,  cocky or t you can think of to describe a person? For me, yes. It's definitely a yes. Some people are born with a nice sweet and loving face. They are ever adorable through other's eyes. Some are appear cocky, but eventually they are not. Some are just too fierce to be near to. Some are just too kiddo and some are looking a way too cool in everything they do.

So, which kind of category that you and I falls into? I couldn't tell you by myself, which category I am into. I could not made a judgement to myself as I am not seeing myself. It all depends to those who get to see you, know you and eventually becomes close to you.

Since young, I have been labelled as a cool and hot temper person. My friends always advice me not to be so hot-tempered as they don't want to see me having heart-attack  in the future ==" . Well...those words sound heart breaking, but it's somewhat true. I can get angry easily and I won't be giving face to any of them. I don't care what the heck they are, all I care is  who the hell am I. That's why, friends that are with me since young had get used to it and they can't even bother. Sometimes they are even scared to talk to me, because of this kind of attitude that has been blended very well in me. Did I get rid of it? Nope, I guess I just hide it well in recent times!

Maybe this is because of immature thinking, maybe this is because of self-defencing, maybe this is because of childish, and there are lots and lots of reason that hidden behind. I wouldn't know...cause I am born with it. It took me years to grow and realise that attitude needs to be shaped. Bad attitude, hot temper and those falls into negative category are really indeed troublemaker. To avoid such, we really need to learn how to control. Whenever we take control of some situation, we gain patience and  gradually, we learn to behave.

Recently, I get a very unique reply. Someone said I look cute! I was like OMG. I have get used to be labelled as cool, not cute. And now the word cute came out! Haha...I guess I really changed dramatically. Some of my primary and secondary schoolmates had noticed about the change and they are really amazed. I am actually thanking them for asking me to control my hot-temper since we are friends. The influences by peer are really damn important and it's proved to be true for me!

Well, recently also, I found out that the people at the surrounding becomes so cute and so funny. Some of them are even born with such cute attitude and face that you can't even let yourself to scold them or raise up your voice to them. Their appearance and their behaviour is definitely amusing and with such a person existing in your daily life, will eventually brighten your days! Haha...I really meant it. I can't find a reason why I must not laugh of felt funny. Well, this is also a kind of blessing by God, that my days are ensured to be brighten, even though I am now facing crisis. I couldn't find a reason to frown :D

How cute is the person(s)? Well, I can't used words to describe. You need to see by yourself.  I even only use one verse to describe the person 'cute cute de'. That's all I can think of. Haha. My friend even want to befriend with such a cute person after listening to my one verse only. I guess my friend is too eagerly to get to know with the cute one. :p In addition to it, this cute person everyday something fresh and funny to amuse me. I can't help but to laugh or even made fun of the person . (OKOK, I may sounds so bad, when I said I even made fun of the person. But, It's true. The person is damn too funny and cute already!)

So, do you believe also that the cute person shares the same behaviour as mine? There were incidents that we happen to show out the same behaviour, same word and same respond! (OMG, I know this sounds so spooky or suspicious to some of you,  but this is true). I felt the coincidences were too coincidence. It's like a shadow or a replicate of me in behaviour, even though the person is cute! It's been a fourth time...and I believe there will be more coming soon! :p Well, maybe this person  is a long lost siblings of mine ...hehe :p

Coming back to the main point, this person describe me in a total opposite of what my friends has been labelled me for. Totally opposite, Ok. I was like, are you kidding me? I never been heard such an opposite term to describe me. From cool or maybe cocky or even maybe not friendly (to those who didn't get to know me well) to become a cute and friendly person...Swt...Don't misunderstood me. It's not about relationship by the description. It's just I felt it funny when this person known me as a cute person and in fact I am not!

Anyway, I am indeed changed from what I am in the past. Friends whom know me since young should have know better. I am glad that my changes have bring out happiness and laughter to all of you. I didn't kept in heart of the heart-attack thing. It's good that friends, you all had woke me up. I am also glad that I dare to take up chances to make the change. I didn't realise that life can be better with a better attitude, until the moment friends let me know that  they are enjoying my presence! I am  absolutely grateful that I have all of you as my friends too. Maybe this sounds a bit like those who write back at secondary or even in high school. But, I don't care much. I treasure the friendships, I cheerish the moments every now and then.

Saturday 1 November 2008


It's been like a routine for me, ever since I am out from hometown to study and now to work. What that routine that I mentioned? Go out 'yum cha' with friends is like a must to me. I guess this is important as we grow older, the opportunity  to meet up with friends  is getting less and less day by day. I guess I should be thanking God for the blessing to have friends that are still keeping in touch with me  ever since we depart  after schooling year. Well, I must admit that these are hard to find friends that you will treasure every moment you spend with them. Who  know that maybe by the time  each and every one of them has their own family and life must goes on by them without realizing that they had let go something in between of life.

I am not saying that all whom I got to meet up are all still single and that's what makes us so eligible to meet up. Even those who had been dating for years will still keep in touch with classmates and schoolmates... but then chance to have often small gathering with them is low. Well, that's their commitment towards their relationship and scarification had to be made by them. However, it's very subjective. Some friend can keep up a balancing life between their relationship with their loved one and their friends. That would be ideal if we would not wants to keep either one party out of our life. Anyhow, not many can make such a rational and logical thinking when it comes to  relationship. It depends.

To have friends come and go in life is like a norm. Whatever friends type you are, and whatever friends type you have, every moment counts and more importantly, we participate in the process. To my friends, thank you and thank you once again.