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Thursday 30 August 2007

Happy Merdeka!!!

For Malaysian..31st August each yr remark the anniversary of independent day n wat most important is the malaysian is born wif the formation of 3 major races..malay, chinese, indian,bumiputras from borneo and many other. 31st August oso is da memorail of the late Princess Diana... 31st August is really a remembrance of joy and sadness...
For tis 50th birthday ...i would like to wish all malaysian happy merdeka...and be proud to be malaysian... (although sometimes i still felt dat some of us still being classified as second class citizen :p)
Yet..we should not forget about the death of Princess Diana whom she was killed in da accident in Paris in the year 1997. May god bless Her and may she rest in peace.
Lets us join hearts in prayer for both Malaysia and Princess Diana....

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