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Thursday 30 August 2007

Happy Merdeka!!!

For Malaysian..31st August each yr remark the anniversary of independent day n wat most important is the malaysian is born wif the formation of 3 major races..malay, chinese, indian,bumiputras from borneo and many other. 31st August oso is da memorail of the late Princess Diana... 31st August is really a remembrance of joy and sadness...
For tis 50th birthday ...i would like to wish all malaysian happy merdeka...and be proud to be malaysian... (although sometimes i still felt dat some of us still being classified as second class citizen :p)
Yet..we should not forget about the death of Princess Diana whom she was killed in da accident in Paris in the year 1997. May god bless Her and may she rest in peace.
Lets us join hearts in prayer for both Malaysia and Princess Diana....

Monday 20 August 2007

Ugly Malaysia public transport

1stly i nided to say that how worse malaysia public transport is especially those express bus. a few days before my dad took bus from kpr to k.l n required to return to kpr on da same day. so, me n my sis went to k.l pudu express bus station n at there we met tis ugly malaysian attitude. we ask for da ticket nicely n smile wif them..they in return pretend like no one is purchasing ticket. And wen return to da counter to ask da man wat is da bus no..n why still haven reached because we had waited for half an hr..n da bus was scheduled to take off at 8.00. I m so pissed that attitude wen da man reply..u juz wait there n wait for those ppl shout-la..i dun care. I was like..'dam man..why on earth hav such kind of ppl' I still nid to thx him coz he still considered answered my question.
Tis is not da 1st time dat i had face such a manner by those ticket seller, conductor bus and bus driver..all of them r really sux. I once took a bus from Ipoh bek to Kpr..n there were tis old lady whom didn't noe bahasa n juz simply hitch on for da bus ride. She wanted to go to Jalan Kpr n she took a bus which stated IPOH-KPR EXPRESS..which mean..da bus driver n da conductor will surely scold tis old lady for da mistake. Yes..indeed they bully tis old lady because she cant read bahasa..they dun even imediately drop her at nearby bus stop..they juz simply ask da old lady to buy da ticket to gopeng n ask her to go gopeng there take another bus bek to jln kpr..nobody at there dare to scold da bus driver..coz da old lady oso was guilty in not asking where the bus destination..but da main point is da bus a very rude manner scolding da old lady is da focus point. Yes..yes..we noe da old lady was guilty..n we ord scolded we let her go-la..why the heck was that driver insisted not to drop her n ask her to take another terror ride? and who dare to stand up in dat situation since da indian driver is in charge...wat if he doesn't like n da whole bus got bang..n dat's the end?
Very recently we heard express bus accident again n again..involving reckless bus driver..I was do da employer employ driver? they juz simply employ because the traffic offender is in cheaper in cost..or they r juz lack of bus driver..? Whatever da point is...we r still in da conclusion..dat we r indeed ugly malaysian!!! Kudos..Malaysian...u once Malaysia boleh again.. -Boleh in bad manner n boleh in bad public transport..which in tis case i juz touched bout bus..wat bout other? all r lousy..My boss was a total disaster..n teribble.. So, wat bout u?