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Thursday 26 July 2007

Life is...Headache!!!

I am in such a miserable situation when my boss said that I need to attend a workshop on 23rd and 24th of August. The first thing that flash in my mind was-my convocation will be held in August too. I frankly answered my boss that I need to confirm the convocation date with the university so that I would got myself in trouble IF the date crash. I called UMT and they proudly said that the convocation date is yet to be confirm, please call again next week to check. I called and called in the following and the following and the following date..until I fed up. Why on earth that they need so much time to confirm a date? Isn't that is too obvious that they did not do any preparation for one of the university biggest event? I was like "Oh my gosh!!!". July 2007 is coming to its end and August is around the corner and the convocation date? I am now praying avary day and night that the convocation date will not be in 25th August and prayerfully that it will be in 18th August. I am here, beg all of you my friends, join with me to pray..that my prayer will be answered. Thank you in advance and God bless you.
When you felt cold and freezing,
Remember that the House of Lord is waiting
The door is always opening
For us to join the gathering
Cause our Lord is good and kind
That He wouldn't left us alone in hard time

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