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Thursday 31 January 2019

Happy Chinese New Year!

Back to hometown to get ready for a blast!

Since early of November 2018, it was a roller-coaster life for myself.

Now, it should be a blast for a brand new year of 2019, and celebration of Piggy Year!

Happy Chinese New Year!

Friday 4 January 2019

~When God closes a door, He opens a window~

"When God closes a door, He opens a window'

This is so true that I had experienced it myself.

Fast forward from the bad news that I had received, where I had been asked to resign voluntarily on early of December; I received job offer at the end of December!

It was withing the same month that I had been given the opportunity to experience the phrase  "When God closes a door, He opens a window". I had been stressed out lately, not only for the resignation, but also on the home loan where it had received bad news too. I hope other bank will consider my joint application with my brother.

Although I am still searching for the best loan and still hoping for the best to come, I am relieved. At last, I do not need to worry on the job security. I know that I should be thankful for the event to take place, where the request for me to voluntarily resign had speed up my chances to have a better offer. However, I am not forgetful about how badly I had been asked to leave. It served as a lifetime lesson to me that we do have horrible people surrounds us, and do not trust people easily!

Nonetheless, I can breathe in ease now, as the nightmare with those horrible people should ceased soon.