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Wednesday 21 January 2015

Lost my wallet and what to do with it?

Well, it occurred to me that I had lost my wallet without me realizing it, until the very next day when I searched for my wallet to check on my cash.

Might had dropped it near my friend place near Puchong, might had lost it while heading to the car under heavy rain from a Puchong Yong To Fu place... also, I might had misplaced it which I could not recall at all! Called to all the banks to blocked all my debit cards, credit cards, and atm cards (what to do, poor people like me do not have much cash on hands and need cards to survive).

Hence, my friend quickly drove me to a nearby ID registration counter (JPN) to get my ID replaced. Unfortunately, I have to pay RM100 fine for misplacing my ID card and this compound apply to any missing Malaysian ID. I had asked if we were to prove it with a police report, will it be removed? And the answer for it is NO. The compound apply to any type of reasoning. I guess this is the newest terms and condition to ask the public to take care of their ID? I actually also do not want to lost my ID card if were to be given a choice, but what to do?!

Secondly, I called to inquire from JPJ if replacement of lost driving license require to have a police report. The helpline office told me that it is not required, and one will have to show their temporary ID to enable the driving license replacement. However, we have to get a colored passport size photo with white background for JPJ to scan as the new driving license photo. We went to JPJ at PJ state and paid my fine RM20 for card replacement.

 Thirdly, went to bank to have my debit and atm cards replacement. You might not allowed any debit/atm card replacement by bank if you can not provide three supporting documents to the bank.

1. Your temporary ID

2. Your driving license

3. Your passport (or birth certs for those who do not have passport)

You might be able to have your card replacement if you are getting it at your home branch (the branch that you open the account). Home branch is able to identify your supporting documents faster (as not much verification required), hence you can provide them your temporary ID and driving license for card replacement.

The only problem with bank especially local bank is that, you have to wait for more than an hour for such matter. There is one bank that even ran out of atm/debit card for conventional account (non-islamic account).

One good thing about this M*ybank credit card is that once I called to blocked my card, they told me 4-5 working days  to deliver the cards to the branch that I wish to collect them. Amazingly, I only need to wait for 24 hours, and the very next day, M*ybank called me to collect the card at the branch! That's way faster that the so-called C*t*bank which told me their courier will only reach me 4-5 days later and my debit card also will be from normal post which will be 7 days later.

P/S: I read in some forum that if you show police report, you can get the fine waved. I am not too sure about this. you might walk in to a JPN counter and ask for this. Also, I read that one can only report lost of their ID not more than 5 times. After that, you will be given a red ID.