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Sunday 23 February 2014

Doraemon expo

At last... visited Doraemon expo at Viva Home mall, Kuala Lumpur.

Entrance fees for adult is priced at RM 25 and children at RM 15. The ticket counter is placed near the North wing Level 2 escalator.

The expo is divided into several parts. Entrance shown the birth of Doraemon, which some explanations given on the board on how Doraemon lost his ear, and how did he transformed from a Yellow Robotic cat into a Blue Ear-less Round-headed Robotic cat with Nobita.

Right after that, there are numerous Doraemon figure; each holding and/or with a secret device/gadget from his pocket. At this section, you will be over-whelmed with the lots of Doraemon figure and fascinated with the expression from his face. However, soon, you will found out that most figure had repeating facial expression, just with a different gadget for display.

The organizer had too, placed a few of special photography rooms which one have to queue for entrance and each photo cost at RM 25. These rooms mostly based on Nobita's sleeping room, and Nobita's living room.

There are also some few wall photography which one can play around for photo session. Those are placed at common area and do expect that you will have to queue for your turn.

After all these, there is a merchandise store right before the exit of the expo. You can find most of the Doraemon plush toys, lanyards, keychains, and many more. There are a few counter of fun-fair games which you can play with 2 or 3 tokens. Each token can be purchased from the token counter at the price of RM 2.

There is a cafeteria with a few stores selection of "Doraemon" foods. You can always try the Dorayaki, Doraemon's favorite.There are a few more merchandise available before you completely exit the expo. Finally, exited the expo without purchasing anything and just snapped a few photos.

This expo is from 14th Dec 2013-23rd March 2014. If you happened to be at K.L, just try to visit Doraemon ^.^

Monday 17 February 2014


There is not much that I can do,

For what is done was already a past,

 The least that I can do for now,

Is to sent forth my best wishes to you.

Saturday 15 February 2014


As long as time is here to be,

These memories will went faded but not forgotten,

As long as these wounds can be seen,

Scars were left well written,

For how it have been long gone?

Time will still be the greatest song,

To heal and to dissolve these sorrows,

To hold and to build better tomorrows,

Wishes could be send without notices,

But at least time had proven to be the best medicine,

Words had never been spoken out,

For it had been deem as the sharpest sword,

May time continue to be here and ever,

As to be the witness for these tears and fears,

As to be the knight for the mighty heart,

As to be the ending for this ache to over.