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Tuesday 18 September 2012

What an experience...

It was suppose to be a happy day, when the journey went out of order and making numerous u-turns did not broke our heart to reach to the desired destination. It was kind of bad, during the arrival, as there were none greetings at all from the host, but the host relative was the one whom greet us and welcomed us.

It was not all. Once we were seated, things when disorganised; the other friends sat awkwardly without much to do. No allocated  food for them, which luckily they were smart to have had something before depart. Once I had had the food, even before finishing my drinks, we were chased out by the host, as if we were to chit chat, please chit chat at somewhere else. Indeed, I felt it was inappropriate to chase your guest out, and we had given all our honours to the host. We honoured the host, and stepped away from the table and chit chat at somewhere else. If we were that un-welcomed, just do not asked us to attend at the beginning. It will save all the hassle and make our life easier.

When at the exact day, before I could even step in properly and were talking over the phone with my university friend; I was shocked to hear my name shouted from far and asked me to walk into the dedicated table number! What a disgrace for me, as it were I am deaf and too late attend the big day. I am surprised to receive such attention and invitation manner. Maybe I should have just turn down the invitation, and have my own dinner with some best friends and chit chat without having the starring from some wild eyes that does irritate me.

I do not wish to say that I am the best, at least, if you have the heart to apologise that everything might went out of order but thank you for coming and giving such a huge blessings it will changed the whole scenario!

What an experience for me, from my friends. I could not ask for more, but please do not put me into such situation any-more as I do not want to be the clown of the day!

Tuesday 4 September 2012

Cyst in womb...

Ultra sound check-up went on smoothly this afternoon, although I called in for doctor in late afternoon. Drove as fast as I manage to, which had enabled me to reach USJ Taipan before 3pm and entered the clinic before the doctor step out.

I had asked Dr Tan regarding to the previously found cyst in the womb, and he proceed the ultra sound scan to further verify the anxiety of mine. He had scanned the liver, kidney, gall bladder and the uterus are all normal and good. However, the cyst which was found last year is still attaching and he explained that this is something in the medical term called functional cyst. The size of the cyst had not increase at all from last year to now and it is smaller than 3cm which is less alarming. Usually, cyst more than 3cm will be indicator for more serious condition and the patient will be required to have another follow-up verification after 6 months. Nonetheless, the size of the cyst found in me is not significant and will be consider as normal unless I have any unusual symptoms such as pain in urination, irregular menstrual, lower abdomen pain frequently and etc. 

I am glad that the cyst is not causing any abnormalities in me. Thank God for this blessing. Now, I can have body check once every 2 years which is a great news to me.